Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 12

Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

I don't really remember how I found out about Blogger. A friend of mine started blogging and so I created a blog to read hers. Then I started finding other blogs that I loved to read. I pretty well became a blog stalker until recently, when I decided I'd give blogging a real shot. I have enjoyed this 30 Day Challenge because it has given me topics to blog about without feeling like I am rambling on about the same thing over and over. I just don't feel I am as good of a writer as some of the blogs I read, so therefore I'm not that motivated to make my own posts. I'm afraid if I don't have blog topics then I will tend to ramble on about the same things all the time, whether it be my kids, my problems or worries or just the generalness of my life and trust me, there isn't too much exciting going on here.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 11

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

This picture was taken two summers ago at a winery, before I had lost any weight.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 10

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

I listen to music of all kinds and it pretty well varies by the minute. I am not a loyal radio station fan. I tend to be like a man (sorry men) when it comes to the remote control and as soon as a commercial comes on I am scanning to the next station. I listen to everything from country to pop and rock and it really just depends on my mood that day what it will be. If I am in a good mood it will probably be upbeat and peppy songs and if I am in a low key mood it is probably slow and solemn songs. Sometimes I get in the mood to listen to music for the lyrics, to have something to connect with and match my feelings. Other times I just like listening to the beat and don't really care what the words to the songs are.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 9

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

This weekend was a rainy dreary weekend. Instead of laying on the couch and watching movies (which is what I really wanted to do), I cleaned my house including the basement and garage. After that was done, instead of curling up with a blanket and taking a break, I took the kids on walk. It felt so good to move again and motivated me to do better this week. Hopefully this is the turning point and I'll be back on track again!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 8

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why

Short term goals for the month....this is kind of tough for me. It really shouldn't be, but this month I didn't really set any specific goals which makes it hard to answer this question. I did say that I was going to work harder on my weight loss journey, but in all honesty I haven't acheived that goal. I started getting my eating back on track and do well in the morning and at lunch for the most part, but I fall apart in the evening. Once I get home with the kids from the sitter and they are in the snack cabinet right away, it gets me in the snack cabinet too. Then I'm not all that hungry for supper because I overindulged on snacks when I got home, but I still feel I need some nutritional food, so I eat supper anyways and before you know it I feel miserable. This is a terrible cycle and I really need to get myself out of this funk. To help get myself back on track I am going to set some specific short term goals for the rest of the month:

1. Drink at least 64 oz of water a day
2. Buy snack foods for the kids that I don't care for and store them by my healthier snacks so its easy to make better choices
3. Throw away any of the kids uneaten snacks instead of feeling like I should finish them myself.

I know there isn't much of the month left, but I think these are good goals to get me started. Then hopefully I can kick butt in October!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 07

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you


These three people have had the biggest impact on my life, more than I ever realized they would. They bring so many new perspectives to life and keep everything interesting. Life would definitely not be the same without them. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 06

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

I don't know much about super heros, but if I had to pick a favorite super hero it would have to be Wonder Woman. First of all she is the first female super hero who comes to mind. Not only that, but who wouldn't want to be Wonder Woman? I mean for petes sake she can do it all and look good in that skimpy outfit!

If I were Wonder Woman I would be on top of the world taking care of household chores, work, and spending quality time with the kids and my husband, but since I'm not I guess they'll have to settle for a house that gets cleaned once a week, running out the door to get to work on time, quick bedtime stories before bed and a peck on the cheek before I roll over and fall asleep. It really is too bad for them that I am not Wonder Woman!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 05

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

 In January we took a trip to St. Thomas (a U.S. Virgin Island). The beaches were beautiful and it was such a relaxing a trip. Zac Brown said it best, there's nothing like having "your toes in the water and ass in the sand, not a worry in the world and a cold beer in your hand. Life is good today."

Day 04

Day 4-A habit that you wish you didn't have

Yelling. I have a bad habit of yelling, not just when I am upset or angry, but just as a form of communication. I am just naturally a loud person and this definitely shows through in my children. They tend to be quite loud also and if everyone is trying to talk at once, look out! I wish this is something I could take back and not have exposed them too, but its a little too late for I guess I'll just hope that they start to take after their father.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 03

Day 03-A picture of you and your friends

I really hate to use this picture because it is terrible. It was 100 degrees out this day and we were all hot and sweaty after chasing our kids out in the yard, but here is a picture of me and my friends from high school. We don't see each other often any more, but still try to get together at least once or twice a year.

Day 02

Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name

I started blogging as a means to get my feelings out there. When I started blogging I was going through some pretty serious emotional times. I'm not sure if it was post baby hormones or lack of self confindence, but I was not in a good place and I felt I really needed help. Now of course being the stubborn ass that I am, I didn't think I could ask for help, so instead I turned to the blog world and decided I would try to write away my troubles. It helped me to vent and relieve some stress, yet still filter what I say (some blog posts are better unpublished) so I don't hurt peoples feelings. (I have been known to do this, its not something I'm proud of, but come on people...stop being such sally asses and get a backbone!) So therefore my blog name was born....after all this really is Cheaper than Therapy!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 01

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Ok, so the picture is not super recent, but I really don't like the camera much!

1. I have a fantastic husband who is my very best friend! And I don't just say that because it sounds good on a blog post. I really do mean that there is no one else in this world that could possibly understand me and put up with me the way this man does, he probably deserves saint status some days, but we won't tell him that!
2. I have three very energetic children ages 5, 4, and 1 whom I love dearly, but there are days I would like to stick a sign in the yard that says FREE KIDS (to a good home of course) and see if I get any takers! Instead I just reach in the fridge for a nice cold cup of "mommy juice" and we all feel better. Or at least I do!
3. I live in God's country. Not many things to do around here unless you count cow tipping and road tripping, but it sure does make for some beautiful scenery and peace and quiet.
4. I work a full time job, however I often try to talk my husband into letting me be a stay at home mom. Financially it is probably an option, unless you take into consideration the fact that if I were a stay at home mom I would probably be unable to stay at home and more likely to want to get out of the house to do things. Or if by some act of god my husband could keep me home, I would sit around and dream up shit to go and do, so instead I work so we can use my income to go do the stuff I love dreaming up! :)
5. I have been on a weight loss journey for the last year, although I must say that the last six months I have really slacked off and should probably call it a maintenance journey. I hope to get myself back on track soon.
6. I tend to ramble (if you haven't noticed by now).
7. I am a pretty straight forward person. I don't like bullshit and backstabbing. If you don't like me or something I say/do/stand for than be upfront with me. It doesn't mean we still can't be friends with different opinions. However, do not pretend to be nice to my face and then talk about me behind my back. I can't stand this and will basically do everything in my power to avoid situations with you in the future.
8. I have very little patience. This is something that I have tried to work on over the last several years (especially since having children), but is very hard for me. Patience is a virtue I was not blessed with.
9. I love fall!! This is by far my most favorite time of year. I love everything about it including the weather, the get-to-gethers and especially nights sitting out by the fire.
10. Bedtme is my least favorite time of the day. I hate having to convince my kids every night that they need to go to sleep. Most nights turn into a battle and then I end up feeling like the bad guy. I don't like ending my day on that note. I wish I could let them stay up as late as they wanted and sleep in late also, but in reality that wont' work.
11. I enjoy sports. Not so much participating (its been quite some time since I've done any of that), but watching.
12. I don't have many close relationships, (other than with the husband and kids) I have a tendency to push people away. I'm not sure why I do this, if I'm worried if they get too close I will disappoint them or they will disappoint me, but I am really trying to work on this.
13. I love to read blogs. I don't know what it is about certain blogs, but I really can relate to them and I find it theraputic to read them and realize that I am normal! I haven't gotten good at commenting yet, I think that has to do with my phobia of getting too close, but as stated above, I'm working on that.
14. I really don't find myself that interesting of a person since I am only on fact #14 and I'm struggling for things to say.
15. My husband tells me that sometimes when I'm REALLY tired, I sleep with my eyes open. I still deny this, afterall this is coming from the man who can wake up the dead with his snoring. I think he just tells me this so he doesn't feel like he is alone when it comes to bad nocturnal habits.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge

I found this blog challenge on Changing My Weighs blog, and she found it on a friends site. She was a few days behind, but is catching up. I am going to start fresh and see how it goes. Should at least give me some inspiration for some blogposts and help everyone else get to know me a little better. So here here's the layout. I'll start with Day 1 tomorrow.

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name

Day 03-A picture of you and your friends

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

Day 16- Another picture of yourself

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them

Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

Day 23- Something you crave for a lot

Day 24- A letter to your parents

Day 25- What I would find in your bag

Day 26- What you think about your friends

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge

Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned

Day 30- Who are you?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If We're Being Honest

Have you got something on your mind that you've been holding in? Have you done some things this past week that you're not exactly proud of? Maybe, you've done some things you are proud of. Well, let it all out - and join me in True Confessions Tuesday!!
I confess...I really enjoyed the three day weekend, but it made it 10 times harder for me to want to go to work today.
I confess...I was extremely grateful that I got to leave work early today for a kids speech appointment today, however I will probably hate it tomorrow when I have to work later.
I confess...I hate getting home from work and having to decide what to make for supper/dinner.
I confess...that more than I hate having to decide what to make for supper, I hate cleaning up after supper.
I confess...that although my five year old is extremely excited about going to school for an open house tonight, I myself am not looking forward to it. I am excited that she is excited about showing off her school to her dad (I get to see her classroom twice a week when I am at school picking up her brother), but could really care less about getting the tour of what I have already seen while fighting with two little boys who could care less that we are supposed to behave in public, although I am sure her excitement will make it worth it.
I confess...that I do miss my kids greatly during the day while I'm at work, but sometimes at night I dream of dosing everyone with Nyquil so they will go to bed early and  I could just have peace and quiet for a little while.
I confess....that I am beginning to feel like a failure when it comes to weight loss. Last year this time I was doing so great, and it didn't even feel like it took work or effort to be healthy and this year I feel like no matter what I do I can't get myself back on track. I will have a great day and then a not so great day. I am tired of the roller coaster ride. I do not hate the weight I am at now, however I do want to lose more weight.
I confess....that my husband is probably tired of me talking about losing weight and then eating cookie dough or drinking soda instead of actually following through with what I say I'm going to do. He has never once said anything to me about my weight, but I know that he probably gets frustrated with me being so wishy washy over what I say I want and what I do. Why am I like that?
I confess....that I could probably go on forever with confessions, but I guess I'll save some for next week!
I hope everyone has a great week and thanks for listening!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cruise Control

Sorry for the hiatus from blogging, but this summer was super crazy and I didn’t take the time to post. Don’t write me off as a lost cause just yet, I have still been reading blogs and thinking about posts, it’s just a matter of getting them in writing. So, I am apologizing up front.

When it comes to weight loss, I have been on cruise control for the past several months, oh let’s be honest… since the beginning of summer. The good news, I have stayed within a couple of pounds of where I was in April all summer long. The bad news is that I have let myself get too comfortable at this weight. I know I still have more to lose and can tell when I am not eating healthy. My body just doesn’t feel as good. My moods fluctuate and I feel out of control.

Now that school is back in session and things are more routine around the homestead, I hope to get myself back on track also. I need to focus on my portion control. I have been eating foods that are better for me the last several months, but not entirely and not really listening to my body, acting more on my wants. This has to stop. I also need to focus on exercise. Sadly, I have not done any exercise all summer long (unless you count chasing after my kids….you would think that would yield greater results for as much as I feel I do it, but I guess not!). So it’s time to step it up! For the next 30 days I am going to watch what I eat (more closely than I have been) and work out (at least 4 days a week, hopefully more).

Hopefully with these two things combined I will be able to get myself out of this weight loss slump (if you can call it a slump, when really it was just me being lazy). I am ready to start moving and again and seeing some results! We have no set plans for Labor Day Weekend, so I hope this will be my time to get organized and get back in control! I want to feel good about myself again!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Random thoughts

Today was the start of another busy week for us. Spring weather has finally arrived and farming is in full swing. Blake had his 18 month check-up today and just as expected, he is doing great! He is in the 83rd percentile of his weight and the 68th percentile of his height, which is pretty common for my kids. All of them have been larger than the average kids their ages.

Blake has been talking more and more lately, but he is still holding out on Dad. He won't say it. I don't think it is a matter of him not being able to say it as much as it is that he just refuses to say it. If his dad asks him to say 'Da', he looks at him and says Ma. I personally find it hilarious at times, but I do wish he would say it for his dad.

I hope to get time this week to plant my garden. I have tomato plants, peppers, lettuce, sweet corn, green beans and peas. This will be my first experience as a gardener, so we will see how it goes. I just hope I get the chance to enjoy some of the fresh veggies, not only would they taste great, but also it would help out the grocery bill. Hopefully this will make it easier to keep my veggie intake up.

Bed time is my least favorite time of the day. I love spending time with my kids and would do almost anything to avoid putting kids to bed. No one wants to see the fun of day time end and why do I have to be the one to make it happen. Its not easy trying to get everyone to settle down for the night, especiallly this time of year when the weather is great and its light out longer. I love weekends when I don't have to enforce an early bedtime!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I know it's been almost a month since my last post, sorry to fall so far behind. I have been struggling to keep myself afloat lately (almost literally because we have had almost 8 inches of rain in the last 2 weeks, 11 inches total for the month of April).

The month of April has been a weight loss roller coaster for me. I have been down and up and up and down. After Easter I am expecting to be up again since the Easter Bunny was so nice to have left so much candy that just happens to sit out on the counter within arms reach every time you pass. (I know this is my own fault, I just need to put the candy away, but have yet to do so). I just don't understand why I am struggling so much when I get to a certain number. I have hit this number at least 3 times already and every time after I feel great. I think of how awesome it will be to lose that last 10 lbs and finally hit my goal and I am very pumped up.

Then the following week for some reason I lose control. I don't know why I do that to myself or what is going on, but shortly afterwards I start to gain and the roller coaster ride begins again. I am not quite sure how many times a person can lose the same 5 lbs. over and over, but at this rate I feel like I will be setting a record. Why can I not find the strength to keep going after hit that # and why would I want to self sabotage? This week I have not made wise choices (some purposefully, even though I know I shouldn't) and I can really tell. I have had such a harder time getting out of bed in the morning and getting myself motivated to move. I have had zero desire to exercise (which isn't a huge change), but before even when I didn't feel like it I could at least make myself do SOMETHING and would feel better afterwards. Not this week. This week I have exercised none and ate poorly and I can feel it. I know I feel 100% better when I eat healthy, so why don't I just DO IT!

I could blame our hectic schedule, running back and forth all week for meetings, tumbling, speech and what not. I could blame the rain because that means I can't get outside and exercise where I like to. Or I could blame the holiday because I had 3 big meals to attend and candy everywhere I would turn. But in reality the only thing to blame is myself! I make the choices and decide what I do or don't do and what I eat or don't eat and lately I have been letting myself go unaccountable. My goal for myself this week is to be accountable for my actions. Maybe that will help me get back on track or at least get that 5 lbs off one more time! :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Motivation Station

I am having a hard time focusing on my weight loss lately. I am doing ok with my meals (especially breakfast and lunch), however I find myself doing a lot more snacking and not making healthy choices. I tend to linger in the kitchen or sneak back in and look through the pantry. Then I tend to put things in my mouth, things that I don't need, but for some reason feel the need to taste.

So, in order to help myself out I am going to set up a Motivation Station. I have designated an area in my kitchen (i.e. a bulletin board) where I have posted pictures. Pictures of what I looked like before I started to lose weight, a picture of a picture of how far I have come, a list of things I am going to do other than raid the cabinets and list of why I feel so much better about myself now that I have lost some weight. My hopes are that this station will help me curb my snacking desires and instead make better food choices.

My next goal is to incorporate some exercise. I have been terrible lately about coming up with excuses not to exercise. The biggest one being that I am just too tired at night, by the time I get home from work, make supper and get everyone cleaned up, I feel like I just don't have enough energy left to exercise. Which in reality is a terrible excuse because if I would just start exercising I would probably start having more energy. I know that I need the exercise. Not only will it help with my weight loss, but it will also tighten and tone me. I have lost enough weight that it is noticeable now, however I am not losing it in the areas that I would like to, so I think if I would make myself start to exercise I could concentrate on certain areas and hopefully see better results.

So, here's to trying the Motivation Station! Hopefully it will help me out, I can use all the help I can get!

Monday, March 7, 2011



I'm copying this from Colleen at Goodbye Fat Girl (which you should read, by the way). Not only is she 100% real about life and its ups and downs, but she is funny too. So go ahead...take a peak!

ABC's of ME

Age: 29

Bed size: King

Chore you hate: Laundry

Dogs: Fine as long as they aren't mine.

Essential start of your day: Shower

Fave color: Green

Gold or silver: Silver

Height: 5'6''

Instruments I play: In grade school I played the clarinet (if you could call it play)
Job title: Construction Coordinator

Live: in the country

Mom’s name: Kristy

Nicknames: Steph, no others that I know of
Overnight hospital stays: 3 - for the birth of my chidlren

Pet peeve: Ignorance

Quote from a movie: "Don't say that. She's a nice lady."

Right or left handed: Right.

Siblings: 2 younger brothers

Time you wake up: Define wake up, the alarm goes off at 5am, but usually takes a few snoozes before I am out of bed.

Underwear: Yes

Veg you dislike: I don't mind vegetables, just depends on how they are made

What makes you run late: I blame it on my children, but really it's usually my fault for underestimating the amount of time it takes to get us some place.

X-rays you have had done: ankle, teeth

Yummy food you make: Homemade pizza

Zoo Animal, favorite: Hippo (I love it when they swim in the water)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Finding Balance

Finding balance is hard to do and I have to admit that I am not the best at it. I have a very hard time balancing between work, kids, husband, home and social lifes. Just when I think I have a good groove going with some, a red flag goes up to show how bad I am laking at the others. I really wish I knew how some women do it. How in the world can they work a full time job, raise kids and be involved in the community all with a smile on their face? A lot of days this makes me feel really inadequate because I don't think I can balance these things.

As a person I have very few patience. It is something I have really been trying to work on, but this qualrity (or lack thereof) makes it very difficult not to get frustrated when things are off balance. I have to try really hard not to take my feelings out on my family and I am not always successful at doing so. There are days where my lack of patience results in yelling, followed by loads of guilt. These are moments I hate, yet no matter how much I work on them still happen. And yet after all my short comings, my family still loves me unconditionally and keep reminding me of what true love is all about....knowing someones faults, but loving them anyway. Thank you god for surrounding me with people who care and understand. I will do my best to be the best I can be.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What a beautiful day!

It is so nice outside. The last few days the weather has been wonderul! I just really wish it would stick around instead of turning cold again like it is supposed to. Oh well, beggers can't be choosers I guess. All this nice weather has been rubbing off on me though and has really made me want to get out and do something. I really don't have any idea of what I want to do, but I hate sitting inside looking out the window at the beautiful sunshine knowing I am stuck here. I am going to have to find a way out!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Last night was our first official photo shoot for 2011. All in all I think it was a success. The kids were all cooperative at some point, just not really all at the same time. The challenge was to get a picture of all 3 kids together (the initial idea for getting pictures in the first place). Once Blake decided to cooperate, the pre-K's didn't want to and vise versa. I know we got some pictures together, however I think that most of them Blake is in a headlock trying to keep him sitting still, but at least they were all together. So, I may just have to get one of those pictures for memories sake. Otherwise it was a pretty fun night. Ruby thought it was awesome to do a photo shoot, so she really got into it, picking out her own props and poses. Luke did pretty good at times, but kept wanting to take his "mad" and "serious" face pictures more than a smiles. So, all in all I'm not sure what we will end up with, but whatever it is our family! That is just how we are!

After hearing of so many local families struggling with health battles lately and fighting for lives, I have come to appreciate more of the important things in life. Right now I sit at my computer watching Ruby breaking out her dance moves in a sun dress with her Karoke machine my house sits in shambles from the last week. We have been so busy doing and running this week I haven't had time to touch the house (and last week we were without electricity so it didn't get touched). But instead of cleaning things up like I should have, the kids and I made cookies after supper and danced/sang Karoke. That was way more fun than cleaning the house anyway and the way I see it, it will all still be here for me tomorrow! So, my challenge to you is to be sure you are living life to its fullest and enjoy what you have because you never know what is in store for you. Good night!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why Blog?

Here I am again...staring at this screen after a LONG time of not blogging and trying to catch back up. I really must admit that I am much better at being a blog stalker than I am writing my own blog. I love reading what others post and about things going on in their lives, yet have a hard time writing anything on my own. I guess I just really don't know that much about the whole "blog world" and therefore am a little apprehensive to just jump right in.

Since I have started this blog I have had 1 follower, a friend of mine from HS and she has been a great follower, leaving me comments and everything. And to her I must apologize because I have not done the same. I read her blog and like knowing what she is up to, but I just have not jumped all the way into the blogosphere and therefore have left her hanging! Sorry girlie! I never thought the whole blog idea would be a big deal for me. It was really something I started doing when I had some down time (wish I knew what that was now).

And then out of nowhere...I got my 2nd follower! I was so excited!! I thought, what would make this person decide to follow my blog? Sure I followed her blog (but she actually posts on a regular basis) and love reading about her journey through life, it give me inspiration to try to be a better me, but what would make her want to follow mine (especially since I hadn't posted in a year.) Then I got to thinking. I bet the blogs that I stalk never thought they would have all the followers they had either. They probably didn't imagine that they would provide inspiration and humor to so many others lives. So, after giving it a lot of thought I decided maybe I should try to post more often. Maybe the "boring" posts I write won't be so "boring" to someone else reading them.

So, I'm going to give this a shot and try to get back on track. Here's to me putting away my stalker-like ways and trying to join the blogging world. Wish me Luck! :)