Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 12

Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

I don't really remember how I found out about Blogger. A friend of mine started blogging and so I created a blog to read hers. Then I started finding other blogs that I loved to read. I pretty well became a blog stalker until recently, when I decided I'd give blogging a real shot. I have enjoyed this 30 Day Challenge because it has given me topics to blog about without feeling like I am rambling on about the same thing over and over. I just don't feel I am as good of a writer as some of the blogs I read, so therefore I'm not that motivated to make my own posts. I'm afraid if I don't have blog topics then I will tend to ramble on about the same things all the time, whether it be my kids, my problems or worries or just the generalness of my life and trust me, there isn't too much exciting going on here.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 11

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

This picture was taken two summers ago at a winery, before I had lost any weight.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 10

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

I listen to music of all kinds and it pretty well varies by the minute. I am not a loyal radio station fan. I tend to be like a man (sorry men) when it comes to the remote control and as soon as a commercial comes on I am scanning to the next station. I listen to everything from country to pop and rock and it really just depends on my mood that day what it will be. If I am in a good mood it will probably be upbeat and peppy songs and if I am in a low key mood it is probably slow and solemn songs. Sometimes I get in the mood to listen to music for the lyrics, to have something to connect with and match my feelings. Other times I just like listening to the beat and don't really care what the words to the songs are.