Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sleep...It's Overrated!

Well I understand that with a new baby in the house it is hard to actually get really good sleep because they wake up through the night to eat. And that is fine, I knew I was signing on for that when we decided to have another baby. However, I did not expect my other children to stop sleeping once the baby arrived. The other kids are 4 & 2 and have been sleeping through the night for a long time. Now that we have Blake at home the other kids have decided that sleep is overrated. They are wanting to stay up all night long. Ruby's philosophy is that as long as they are not up until midnight they are ok, (not that she can tell time) so of course every night it is 10-11pm before they want to finally give in. If that hasn't made them grouchy enough for the days to follow, now Luke has decided that he wants to start getting up around 3am and come into my room. It wouldn't be so bad if he would just go back to sleep, but he tosses and turns and can't get comfortable and then he wants me to rock him. So we get up, go to the rocking chair and rock until we both fall asleep in the chair. Then once he's asleep again, I haul him back to bed for him to get up a few hours later and do it again. Between this and Blake waking up to eat every 3 hours, my sleep is really diminishing fast! Luckily this morning they have all decided to sleep in, ironically enough, I can't sleep! :) Oh well, guess I'll have to try and convince everyone to take an afternoon nap!

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