Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Random Thoughts

Well today I don't have much to talk about, so here are some random thoughts I have been having...

What to do about flu shots? No parent wants there child to get or be sick, but how can we be sure that injecting them with a shot is going to help keep them more healthy? How do I know that this isn't just something that pharmecutical companies use to increase their sales of vaccines? Afterall, no shot is 100% effective and your kids can still get sick, right? Well if that is the case then why bother with the shot at all? To be totally honest, the only reason I am considering it is because Blake is so little I just really don't want him to get sick, so if I can keep the other 2 from getting sick it will help us all out. Otherwise, to me sickness makes us a litle stronger, sure it gets us down for a few days, but then as we recover we appreciate being healthy. Then there is the chicken pox for example. Now they make every kid take a chicken pox shot before going to school, why? Our parents all had the chicken pox, we had the chicken pox and we all survived. Sure it was a few uncomfortable days for everyone and you had to fight to keep from itching, but after it was all over it was no big deal. Now they want to try to prevent any of this from happening. What is the point? So schools don't see a decrease in enrollment for a few days from kids being sick, so they can keep their government funding up. I see their concern, but don't think it is means to mandate a shot for everyone. Afterall, there has to be some long term effects to injecting all these things into your bodies.

I haven't been outside for the last several days, partially because of the new baby and partially because I have had 2 other sick kids, but I am so jealous that I missed the last week/weekend of nice days and now as I look out the window it looks like it is raining and cold and winter is really starting set on. I am not ready for cold raining weather yet. That means more staying inside, more bundling up when we have places to go and more possibilities of sickness!!  YUCK!

It seems that Halloween has just ended and yet Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but all that people can talk about is Christmas! Typically I don't like to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, great food, lots of friends and NO PRESENTS!! Don't get me wrong, I like presents as much as the next person and I like giving people presents when I know what to give people and feel that a gift is just for them. But it seems like anymore Christmas gift giving has gotten harder each year, I don't know what to get people anymore, even my kids. Its not like they need for anything!  Yet, this year from some reason part of me is looking forward to Christmas. I look forward to having a snow filled (only on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day) season, making everyone slow down and take a little more time to enjoy family and friends. I look forward to visiting with others I haven't seen in awhile and hearing my kids amusement while they look out the windows at all the pretty Christmas lights. Hearing them get so excited about the talk of Santa Claus and when he will be visiting. Decorating the house and baking cookies, Christmas caroling all has me very excited for the season, I can't wait! However, lucky for me it will be here before I know it!!

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