Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Next Generation

Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow is a Mystery,
Today is a Gift,
That's why we call it the Present.

I have seen this poem several times and every time I see it I can't help but think how true it is. Today as we visited Phil & my grandparents and I watched our kids play this poem really hit home. I love talking to our grandparents & hearing how things used to be, how life has changed. Some days I wish we could go back to the way things used to be. Living the simple life. People spending more time visiting with people and being neighborly. Supporting your family with homegrown, homemade products and not so many material things. I think about how busy life is now and how technically inclined everything is getting. It truly makes me wonder what will the future be like? When my kids are parents or grandparents what will this world be like. Will we continue to progess as fast as we have the last 10 years or will something happen, will they be forced to turn to the simpler way of life again. If they are it may not be bad thing. It's for these reasons I wish I could treat each day as a gift and pass on not only great morals and values to my children, but also skills. I would love to my daughter to learn how to sew & bake. And I'm not talking just sew on a button and take frozen cookie dough out of the freezer and put it on a pan (as I do). I want her to be able to sew her own clothes if she had to, to whip up a homemade batch of bread and to can vegetables from her own garden. I would love for my son to be very handy arouhnd the house and be able to fix things, all sorts of things. For him to enjoy working outside, raising animals and taking pride in his possesions. Since I do not possess most of these skills I will of course have to find someone, such as a grandparent/great-grandparent, to help me get my kids insterested in these hobbies. I had a bad attitude as a kid and thought, "there is no way I am going to need to know how to do that" and know, I kind of wish I would've learned. Hopefully my kids won't have my attitude and will be a better generation!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dear So and So

Dear Headache,

Please go away! I tolerated you all morning thinking you just needed to express yourself and would stop eventually, however that doesn't seem to be the case. You must understand that the screaming children that occupy this household do not help your cause and so therefore I must ask you to leave immediately!! Thanks you.


Migraine Mom

Dear Cleaning Fairy,
Welcome to my home! I have been saving the best for you. The laundry is all piled up, toys strung all over, dishes on the counter and dust is flying, so feel free to show up at anytime. In fact, to ensure that we do not bother you during your visit, we will be going to bed early tonight. I look forward to waking in the morning to a nice and clean house and appreciate your help!!


Horrible Housewife

Dear Junk Food Cravings,

GO AWAY!! I do not need any help putting weight on. I try controlling myself. I start out with a nice breakfast, a salad for lunch and when I get home from work there you are...waiting for me....calling me. If you would just leave me alone I would be able to shed a few pounds, therefore leaving me more energetic and a little less moody. I don't think that it is asking too much for you to step out of my life, it would be the best for both of us. I hope that you realize I will miss you deeply and long for the day we can be together again, but goodbye for now!


Chunky Chick

Friday, February 12, 2010

Can you buy time?

I feel like we have been crazy busy lately and just don't have time for anything! Where does time go? If only I felt I could run on less sleep, then maybe that would add more time to my day? Or maybe if I would have the ability to fly, I would spend less time getting back and forth to places that would get me more time. Or is there any type of card that I can purchase and just buy some more time? That sounds the simplest! Just Charge It! Until then....better run!