Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5-4-3-2-1 The Countdown is on!!

It's official...I have finally started the countdown for my due date. The pregnancy of my third child has seemed to fly by a lot faster than with the first two, however I am now to the point where the countdown is on! At 35 weeks I am to that point of uncomfortable fatigue, the point where by the end of the day you find it hard to function. I have not been sleeping well at night and my ankles look like softballs. So, although I want everything to continue to go well and know that I have five more weeks of feeling this way, I still must say that I am ready for it to go by quickly. Not that I can complain because over all it has gone by quickly and before I know it I am sure the baby will be here and it will be time for the holidays. Then I will be wishing that time wasn't flying by so quickly! So I guess I'll just sit back and try to enjoy as much of this pregnancy that is left as I can and try to hold off on the countdown.

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