Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Happy Halloween Everyone! This is our practice run of costumes this year! Thought that I would still dress the kids up like I wanted while I can until they get to start telling me what they want to be! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Scariest Mom

With Halloween right around the corner, I thought this was a good topic that Jill from Scary Mommy had the idea for. After all, some days I consider myself a pretty scary mom.

I wake up at 5:30am everyday (I have come to realize that I really probably should be getting up earlier to get where I need to go ON TIME, however just can't get myself to do so) to rush throughout the house trying to get myself put together for work. Many days I skip the makeup, hope that my hair is tame enough that I can just run a brush through it and still look presentable, and fumble through the pile of laundry in the basket trying to find the outfit with the least amount of wrinkles to throw on. I look in the mirror and realize that Yes, I probably should put a little more effort into my look, however end up with more of a "its good enough for what its for" kind of attitude. This is my pretty scary mommy look.

After finally getting myself somewhat composed, I go into the caves to wake the bears. This is a pretty frightening task somedays, afterall the bears tend to stay up later than they are supposed to and therefore have a hard time waking from their hybernation. After trying to arouse the sleeping creatures as nicely as possible (because at this time I am really running late), I finally give in and just start getting them dressed while they sleep. This does not set well with the beasts and I hear a lot of growling. After begging and pleading for the sleepy critters to come downstairs and tell me what they want to bring along for breakfast I begin to lose patience (because at this time I am beyond late). This is when I bring out my scary mommy voice.

After a long day of work, I get in my car and enjoy a quiet ten minute drive to the sitter to pick up the ones that I have missed all day long. As I walk in the door, I hear their voices of joy as they are so excited to see me and I to see them. I am surrounded by little people all wanting my attention to tell me how and what they have done all day. And then there is always one...one who feels the need to be the tattler. The one who always wants to point out every little thing that your kids have done wrong throughout the day. Now don't get me wrong, I know that my kids are not perfect by any means, however I do not need to hear everything that they may do wrong. Especially seeing as some of things they are being tattled on for are things that were provoked by other children. (Not that I am trying to justify this, but sometimes I think it is more standing up for themselves, than anything.) This does not set well with me and that is when I want to break out my scary mommy attitude. My love for my children becomes overwhelming and the protectiveness in me comes out. That is when it is just best to leave.

Once we are home and all is well again we begin our nightly routine. The children play, I make supper and the trouble begins. Between arguments over toys, dragging out every toy imaginable to leave it lay throughout the house, and running around screaming like wild animals my nerves are worn pretty thin. The Mr. calls home to see how things are going and I in my ever so mild temper say, "just peachy, a typical evening", to which he knows my patience are about lost. So he will try to chat with the children and convince them to behave until he gets home, which works for a total of five minutes and then it is right back at it. By the time my other half finally arrives home for the evening, I typically feel totally overwhelmed and frustrated, throw my hands in the air and say, "Their yours!" Bring the loving husband that he is, he takes the kids into the next room and tries to give me some peace and quiet. God Bless him! I could not make it as a single parent or else I would be a VERY SCARY MOMMY, one with no outlet for those very exhausting days.

And then there is my final scary mommy moment of the day when it comes to the ever so fun bedtime. As I stated before, the little tikes really do not like to go to sleep at night. In fact they will think of about every excuse possible to get them out of it and finally just exhaust me to the point that I loose all control and throw them (not literally, although sometimes I feel like it) into bed, shut the door and listen to the screaming. "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED!" "I WANT MY DADDY!" "I AM SCARED!" All which break my heart as I listen to them in the next room sobbing because I had to once again be the scary mommy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Terrible Twos

They call it the terrible two's...I don't know who coined this phrase, but I would like to know what they have to say about the three's. I have a two year old who is about to be three and a three year old who is about to be four. Right now I am in the debate of which is worse, the two's or the three's. My two year old seems to be getting more and more mischievious as he gets closer to three and my three year old seems to be getting more and more whiney the closer she gets to four. They both feed off of each other which makes both situations worse, so it really is a close call! Hopefully we will have a FABULOUS FOUR and a TERRIFIC THREE soon, but I'm not holding my breath!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5-4-3-2-1 The Countdown is on!!

It's official...I have finally started the countdown for my due date. The pregnancy of my third child has seemed to fly by a lot faster than with the first two, however I am now to the point where the countdown is on! At 35 weeks I am to that point of uncomfortable fatigue, the point where by the end of the day you find it hard to function. I have not been sleeping well at night and my ankles look like softballs. So, although I want everything to continue to go well and know that I have five more weeks of feeling this way, I still must say that I am ready for it to go by quickly. Not that I can complain because over all it has gone by quickly and before I know it I am sure the baby will be here and it will be time for the holidays. Then I will be wishing that time wasn't flying by so quickly! So I guess I'll just sit back and try to enjoy as much of this pregnancy that is left as I can and try to hold off on the countdown.

Monday, October 12, 2009

And they call him the streak!

What is the fascination with 2-3 year olds and being naked? My children, no matter how cold outside feel the need to strip off their clothes and run around naked. Its like nothing makes them happier than to be free! I finally decided it is not worth the battle to try to keep clothes on them and to just go with the flow. So now, they get their "naked" time (I do have the rule that they must keep their underwear on, for all of our sakes) each evening and I have one less battle to fight. I just hope this is only a phase!! The funny part is that the entire time Ruby runs around playing without her clothes, all she talks about are the pretty dresses she is wearing and how good she looks. You would think all the dress up clothes we have to play in would be more fun, but apparently its more fun to pretend!