Thursday, September 3, 2009

Please don't Pee your Pants!!

Have you ever had one of those moments where you really have to go to the bathroom, but you are on a mission and think I'll be fine. I just need to run and pick up this one item and then I'll hit the bathroom on the way back. So you are zooming through the store scanning for what you need, and suddenly you see aunt so and so. "Oh Hi, how's it going?" Only you really don't care how its going because by now you really, really have to pee and your calculating where to find the nearest rest room. So finally you wrap up your conversation with "well, I better let you get going" and your back on your way. At this point in time you are walking as briskly as possible without breaking into a run to get to the bathroom. YES, there it is, the big sign that reads restroom, you are almost feeling better already, when wait a minute, what is this......NNNOOOOOOO!!! They have the restrooms closed for cleaning! How can this be? One of the few times you actually need to use the facility and now they want to close it?? Luckily as you approach the janitor steps out of the bathroom and notices the panicked look on your face. He gives you one of those, you look like you really need in here looks and lets you in. GOD BLESS YOU MR. JANITOR!! Not only for keeping our restrooms clean, but mostly for taking a break so somebody doesn't pee their pants!

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